I made these for a postcard exchange….it’s interesting how differently I approach words when cutting them out of a magazine or newspaper….

What’s really interesting about doing poetry like this is way that you make meaning based on the size of the words/whether they are in caps or not etc. How much do these things matter? As I was transcribing the poems I wondered if I should keep the line breaks, caps and size of the words as they are on the cards….also, how much do the images contribute to the meaning or richness of the poems? Not that I am saying these are masterpieces or even terribly meaningful but it certainly sparks the imagination, no?

Contact doesn’t
these dark times. We are finding ourselves
a little bit of us
for those running.


Free! When they flew they always kept within a few feet
walking inside the story
lost breaking blood
the stars shimmer

light up
dark. Honoured
( I especially had a lot of fun with this one, not sure why..is there an “s” at the end of “move”? Perhaps…)