Okay, here is my “ugly poem“. Feel free to read into the title:D

When I thought of an ugly poem I guess what I fixated on was sounds that were ugly to me, and some imagery that was kinda gross or unpleasant. There isn’t much to this poem in the way of depth or content. Nice low standards here people. See, you can put any old crap up here! 🙂 And I’ll probably take the advice of the title with this poem:D lol

Chuck It

The word “chuck” cuts

hard as nails

leaves a metallic

taste on the tongue

I hate it

the way the “k”  sound crashes and stomps

on the fluidity

of words

and the “ch” is static

turned up loud

an ocean roaring

a song that clangs dissonance



dropping the poetic ball

stomping on toes

a child throwing a fit

fucking with the rhythm


sticking to the tongue

the way licorice sticks in your teeth

and you dig

distending your mouth as you try to gouge out the black


and the strong flavor of the offending words is thick as grease on the roof of your mouth

and there is nothing you can do but wait for it to break down

fade like an echo