My body….


Advice from a magazine writing course that I wished I followed more closely:

–Strip sentences to their simplest components

–clear thinking becomes clear writing (no hope for muddle-headed me, then;)

–Constantly ask, “What am I trying to say?” and continue to ask this as you write

–thinking clearly is a conscious act that writers must force on themselves

I believe those are all excerpts from On Writing Well, by William Zinsser.

It was pissing rain this morning but now only the thick gray clouds. Light on the top, dark on the bottom as though the colour had settled at the bottom like a glass of juice. I’m not going to lie to you, I am not pleased. Please come back sun! Bad weather makes me grumpy, but not anguished, the least conducive mood to writing.


1. Write about nature. Include the following words: hard drive, stapler, phone, car, billboard. (Ooooh, you could use them as metaphors for things in nature!)

2. The most beautiful smile I ever saw…

3. My body (not my body!)…

Ok, feeling a little more creative now. I’m going to sink my teeth into my body…er…

Post #1 for this week: Discovering the mirror in contact with threes


Written last night but I was too tired to finish it…..

Here are a couple of writing prompts for prose writing.

Prose Prompt – Write about someone discovering a key.

Prose Prompt – Write about a reflection in the mirror.

Prose Prompt – Write two pages (500 words) with the scenario of a character urgently needing to get in contact with a family member.

Prose Prompt – Write using the adage, “these things happen in threes.”

I am currently watching a movie called The Divide about a group of people in an apartment building who take shelter in the basement as they see their city get blown to bits by unknown invaders. Very suspenseful……